How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts

Author, Matt Bell

I typed my first three books on my Mac Classic. One was a murder mystery set in a Cambridge museum – something about twin sisters, another Out of the Indian Bingo Maven’s Closet about a gambling casino out west; and another Bootstrap about the impossibility of picking one’s self up by the same. These books are in my files as unpublished training-wheel books.

The best thing that could have happened to me recently was spraining my wrist for it prevented me from being able to write in my favorite writing program Scrivener on my favorite MacBook Pro computer. And I had time to reflect.

Years ago, after the most traumatic events of my entire life, I wrote Primitive Rites of Caucasian Cannibals. And though I’ve been seeking a publisher for my second book Paradise Lies: A Modern Slave Narrative, and am working on Flight to Utopia. When Primitive Rites of Caucasian Cannibals recently resurfaced on my computer, I decided to switch strategies realizing that I have three works I’m fully committed to. So instead of continuing the synopsis of Paradise Lies: A Modern Slave Narrative, having just read Refuse to be Done by Matt Bell, I am now writing and preparing outlines for all three books and abandoning my old “revising/editing” process and repositioning myself in the game for a home run.

Matt Bell’s book is what Courtney Maum, author of Before and After the Book Deal says is “the CrossFit of craft books… A must-have for the writers who are ready to up their writing game.” Well, count me in!

Anna Dunwell is a full-time writer and a lives-on-the-same-block as her grandchildren in Durham North Carolina. She is seeking representation for three books, Primitive Rites of Caucasian Cannibals; Paradise Lies: A Modern Slave Narrative; and, Flight to Utopia.

But after the most traumatic events of my entire life, I wrote Primitive Rites of Caucasian Cannibals which has recently resurfaced on my computer. And though I’ve been seeking a publisher for my second book Paradise Lies: A Modern Slave Narrative, and am working on Flight to Utopia. I’m switching strategies now I have three works I’m fully committed to, instead of continuing the synopsis of Paradise Lies: A Modern Slave Narrative, having just read Refuse to be Done by Matt Bell, I am now writing and preparing outlines and synopses for all three books abandoning what I previously saw as part of the “revising/editing” process and repositioning myself in the game for a home run.

Matt Bell’s book is what Courtney Maum, author of Before and After the Book Deal says is “the CrossFit of craft books… A must-have for the writers who are ready to up their writing game.” Well, count me in! 1st or second week of May 2022.